The Kasatka (meaning "Killer Whale") was Kamov's first single-rotor helicopter configuration with a multiple bladed Fenestron tail rotor. More than half of the helicopter structure is composed of Composite material. The cabin fits up to 14 troops or 6 stretchers with 3 passengers. Tested actuating links and transmissions shafts withstood shutting-through bullets up to 12.7 mm in caliber; the fuel tanks are encased in foamed polyurethane to prevent fuel explosion.
Design authority: Kamov Design Bureau
Primary manufacturer: Kamov
Parent type: No type defined
Aircraft status: Operational
VTOL type: Helicopter
Lift devices: 1 Single main rotor
Dedicated control device: 1 Fenestron/Shrouded tail rotor
Crew required: 2 in Side-by-side arrangement
Landing gear: Wheels (all retractable)