Out of production. First delivery 1982.


Data on design, manufacture and status

Design authority: The Boeing Company

Primary manufacturer: The Boeing Company

Parent type: Boeing Model 234/H-47 Chinook

Aircraft status: Operational


Primary flight and mechanical characteristics

VTOL type: Helicopter

Lift devices: 2 in Tandem (Fore/aft) configuration

Crew required: 2 in Side-by-side arrangement

Landing gear: Wheels (non-retractable)

Key Characteristics

Data on key physical features

Aircraft Details

Data on aircraft configuration, weights, flight performance and equipment


References and sources used

Backgrounder | CH-47D Chinook
Boeing Defense, Space & Security
Boeing Product website, 2010, Jun
Succinct history of the CH-47 program and CH-47D history

Boeing Helicopters CH-47 Chinook
Anderton, David and MIller, Jay
Aerofax, Arlington TX, 1989 (page 27)
Aerofax Minigraph 27

CH-47 Chinook From Air Assault To Desert Storm And Beyond
McCall, Charles D.
2nd Asian Vertiflite Seminar, Singapore, Feb. 1992, 1992 (page 13)
Meeting paper or Presentation

Related VFS Resources

Resources related to the CH-47D , provided by the Vertical Flight Society.
Forum Proceedings
Vertiflite articles
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Related Public Resources

Resources related to the CH-47D , provided by public sources across the internet.
