The construction of this aircraft was underway when Platt-LePlage were awarded a contract by the U.S. Army awarded, in July 1940, to complete the development.
The aircraft suffered from handling difficulties with poor lateral control and a potential control reversal in turns.
Source: “Dr. W. Laurence LePage, From XR-1 to Tilt-Rotor”, Jay Brian Hendrickson, Paper presented at the American Helicopter Society 61st Annual Forum, Grapevine, TX, June 1-3, 2005
Design authority: Platt-LePage Aircraft Company
Primary manufacturer: Platt-LePage Aircraft Company
Parent type: Platt-LePage XR-1
Aircraft status: No longer flying
VTOL type: Helicopter
Lift devices: 2 in Tandem (Lateral) configuration
Crew required: 1 in Tandem arrangement
Landing gear: Wheels (non-retractable)